Roeburn’s KVLS Elspeth

ElspethA 1727121

DOB: 3/7/15

ADGA Genetics Listing

LA 2-5 FS 87 V V V V (E in rear legs, back, rump)

Young stock appraisal: 1-4 Overall V (V Ec V)

Ec in front legs and rump

S: Kickapoo-Valley KVLS Scalleywag FS 89

D: Roeburn’s KVLW Esme 3-7 FS 87 (VVVE)

2-00 266 1940 3.7%

2-11 191 2031 3.5% in progress

Elspeth is an exceptionally stylish doe with excellent dairy type, called by both appraisers and judges “a very fancy doe”.  Her somewhat more refined type has translated into Elspeth’s being immature as a two year old first freshener. With her very beautifully attached mammary, however, and correctness of type, we feel confident that she will be worth the wait! She placed 1st both times shown as a kid in the spring of 2015, including in a very large kid class at Southern VT. We have chosen to breed her to Bojangles this season to add width and substance. Her photo doesn’t do her justice!

Cou Blanc

Bred toyearling photo
