LA 5-4 FS 91 (V E E E) (E in head and rear legs)
3-2 FS 89 (V V V E) (E in back and rump)
5-00 305 3506 134 3.8% ext. 1049 9902 387 3.9 % in progress! Milking since 3/04 with an average of almost 10lbs/day!
3-11 305 3298 121 3.7%, ext. 346 3509 129 3.7%
3-0 305 2617 103 3.9% 68 2.6%
1-10 305 2391 93 3.9% ext. 363 2714 107 3.9%
S: SG*B Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus (see pedigree; photo)
D: Roeburn’s DV Melinda 6*M FS 88 (see Madeleine)
Moderate in size, but so very stylish and correct, “Norie” is another impressive Brutus daughter. She has beautiful blending throughout, is high and sharp in the withers, extremely dairy, and very correct in feet and legs. Norie has a remarkably level, “eye catching” topline. We saw at once when she first freshened that she had an exceptionally fine mammary, with an extremely high and beautifully arched rear udder, (appraised 37 in rear udder arch!) globular in shape, with near ideal teat size and shape. She is a dream to hand milk! Her fore udder is tight and very well extended. In four shows attended in 2001, Norie was undefeated in her class, placing 4 X 1st, and 1 X RGCH. As a three year old second freshener in 2002, shown 5 times, she placed 3 X 1st and GCH, and 2 X 2nd and RGCH, finishing her championship! Shown only once in 2003, Norie won Best of Breed in the Champion Challenge class. Again shown only once in 2004, Norie went Best of Breed again (over Sharon) and then went on to win Best in Show!! I would be thrilled to have a barn full of “Nories”! Unfortunately, Norie did not conceive in 2005 and 2006; however, she continued to contribute by keeping us in milk throughout the winter months for three seasons, milking an average of almost 10 lbs/day over three years! Amazingly, she is now bred, confirmed by ultrasound, and due 4/22!
Cou blanc