DOB: 04/17/2020
LA 1-04 FS 87 ( V V V) E in rear legs and rump
Dam, Sydnee, at age 3
S: *B Addi-Hill T.O. Lincoln
SS: *B Roeburn’s AHC Tom Outland FS 87
SD: SGCH Addi-Hill Shamus Linnet 3*M
5-06 FS92 EEEE, E in head, front legs, back and rump
D: GCH Addi-Hill Silas Sydnee 3*M
LA: 3-06 FS91 EEEE, E in shoulder assembly, front & rear legs, back & rump
DS: *B Roeburn’s KVLS Silas
DD: GCH Addi-Hill Ledger Sure Is 2*M FS 92 EEEE
We were very pleased to add young Steig to our lineup of herd sires in 2020. We love his dam’s length of body, levelness over the top line and impressive mammary attachment. Steig combines some of our strongest doe lines with some of the best in the Addi-Hill line and we look forward to some exciting line breedings in the future. Smaller in scale than our other two yearling bucks, Cato and Baron, we were relieved to hear our appraiser’s assessment that we’re just accustomed to big Alpines, and that Steig is well within the standards for a buck his age . We are impressed with his width throughout, his sharpness over the withers, and his depth of body for his age. He has excellent set to the rear legs. We were pleased with his yearling appraisal score of 87 V V V.