DOB: 02/28/2020
1-6 FS 85 (* V V) E in rump
S: ++*B SG Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus FS 88 (pictured)
D: GCH Roeburn’s KVLW Mila 11*M FS 92 EEEE
We were thrilled to have added Cato to the herd in 2020, a son of one of our top does, Milly, and our Brutus, an SG ADGA Elite buck whose appraised daughters averaged an impressive 89.2! Cato shows great length of body, levelness of the top line, like both his dam and sire, and correctness of feet and legs. We were extremely pleased with the width and smoothness of blending throughout in his 2021 kids and have used him on 3 of our remaining 7 does this season. We love his 2021 daughter from Roeburn’s KVZ Sari. Cato was the only purebred Alpine to qualify for the ADGA Young Sire Development program in the first quarter of 2020!