DOB: 3/04/07
LA 5-5 FS 91 E E E E (E in front legs, rear legs, back and rump)
LA 3-6 FS 90 V E E E (E in rear legs and rump)
LA 2-3 FS 89 V V V E (E in back and rump)
YSA Rating 0-4 Overall Ec (Ec Ec Ec) Ec in head, rear legs, back, and rump
8-00 281 2573 88 3.4%
7-02 215 1953 68 3.5%
6-0 305 2819 89 3.2% ext. 355 2948 94 3.2%
5-0 305 2834 91 3.2%; ext. 308 2844 3.2%
3-11 302 2385 72 3.6% (following miscarriage)
2-11 305 2709 84 3.7% ext. 329 2795 3.7%
2-0 292 2271 79 3.5%
S: *B Roeburn’s Sedric Bruno FS 91 (EEE)
D: GCH Roeburn’s Limerick Binibeca 8*M FS 91 (EEEE)
Our first Bruno daughter to freshen, “Bonny” kidded as a 2 year old with a gorgeous mammary, notable for its extremely high and arched rear attachment. Her tremendous length of body, sharpness in the withers and levelness over the topline contribute to her overall dairy style. Shown twice in 2007, Bonny placed 1st in a very large kid class at the annual Southern VT show, and 1X 2nd to Merry. Shown twice in 2008, she placed 1 X 2nd and 1 X 1st, Junior Champion, and Best Junior Doe in Show, in the final show of the season. The judge stated that she was “one of the finest junior does” he’d seen all season! As a 2 year old first freshener she was shown three times, placing 2X 2nd, and 1X 3rd. She placed 1st and GCH, earning her second leg at the 2010 NH DGA Spring show. We were extremely excited to have her wind up her 2010 season by placing 1st, GCH, Best Udder in show and Best in Show, completing her championship! Her 2010 son by B’Rock Robama was sold to a CT herd, and her 2012 son by Petey is in Indiana. We were very pleased that in the one show we attended in 2014, Bonnie daughters won both Junior Champion, and Reserve Junior Champion!
Planned breeding to Corelli
Kids: $600