DOB: 2/22/02
2008 LA 6-6 FS 91 (E E E E) (E in head, front legs, back, rump, and udder texture)
2006 LA 4-6 FS 91 ( E E E E) (E in head, shoulder assembly, front legs, rear legs, and rump)
2004 LA 2-6 FS 89 (V E E V) (E in rump)
LIFETIME PRODUCTION: 28546 lbs. 858bf 699pro
8-01 305 3612 113 3.1% ext. 317 3686 3.1%
7-02 253 3004 85 2.8%
6-01 305 4286 107 3.1% ext. 308 4293 131 3.1% TOP TEN again!!! 4 consecutive years!
5-01 305 4506 133 3.0% ext. 315 4565 135 Top Ten for the third time!!!!
4-01 305 4390 131 3.0% ext. 329 4581 138 2006 TOP TEN #2!!!
3-01 305 4491 129 2.9% ext. 308 4512 2005 ADGA TOP TEN #3, #9 in protein (and Top producing purebred Alpine for 2005!!)
1-11 305 3640 116 3.2%
Young stock appraisal rating: 1-6 Ec (Ec Ec Ec) (Ec in front legs, rear legs, and back)
S: SG *B Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus FS 88
D: SG Roeburn’s KVF Lindsey 7*M
L.A. 5-2 FS 89 (V E V V) 2-3 FS 88 (V E V E)
1-8 305 2751 93 3.4% ext. 336 2942 99 3.4%
2-9 305 3603 128 3.6% 3-10 291 3311 116 3.5%
4-10 305 3661 125 3.4% 94 2.6% ext. 331 3815 131 3.4% 98 2.6%
- DS: +B Kickapoo Valley CAL Fritz (CH Kickapoo Valley Lusions Acacia FS 91 EEEE X +B Hoach’s California Gold)
- DD: SGCH Roeburn’s Kane Lainey 6*M FS 90, 1-11 305 2979 100 3.4% 4-0 272 2824 93 3.3%
While exceptionally dairy in her flatness of bone, tall (Eliana scored 44 in stature in 2007!), upstanding, sharp in the withers and smoothly blended throughout, Eliana’s claim to fame is unquestionably her astonishing production. Eliana produced an incredible 3640 lbs. in her first freshening!! She was milking over 17 lbs/day 6 months into her second lactation. At 305 4491 lbs. of milk, Eliana placed 3rd (and 1st purebred) in the ADGA Top Ten for 2005!! In 2006, Eliana continued to produce amazingly well, milking 305 4390 131, and ranking #2 in production, #9 in butterfat, and #7 in protein!! In 2007, she produced over 20 lbs/day for three months! No less impressive is the fact that she produces this out of a beautiful mammary; she has an extremely high rear udder and the excellent fore extension that we are seeing so consistently in the Brutus daughters. We were extremely pleased with Eliana’s Permanent Linear Appraisal score in 2008 of FS 91 EEEE! Eliana sons have been sold to herds in IL, IN, AR, VT, ME, PA, Iowa, and Canada!