DOB: 4/5/97
L.A. 3-3 FS 90 (V E E E)
2-11 305 3436 128 3.7% ext. 322 3557 133
S: +B Kickapoo Valley CAL Fritz
- SS: +B Hoach’s California Gold, son of ’94 Nat’l GCH, CH Hoach’s QAAG Goldenlark, 1st place Jr. Get, 4th Place Sr. Get, 1994 Nat’l show 9 GCH daughters
- SD: CH Kickapoo Valley Lusions Acacia FS 91 (EEEE)
D: GCH Roeburn’s P Dolly Varden 2*M FS 90 (VEVE)
2-1 305 2765 117 Lifetime 20427 941 4.4% BF
3 X GCH, 7 X RGCH, 2 X BOB, 1 X BUIS, 1 XBIS
- DS: ++*B Redwood Hills Aclaim Pendragon FS88 (86 87 91), 5th place Sr. Get of Sire, 1988 National, 27 dau. av. FS 83
- DD: Roeburn’s L Brooke Trout *M FS87 (V V + V)
I was delighted when, as a first freshening two year old, Dolce Vita placed 2X 1st, 2X 3rd, 1X Reserve GCH, and 1X GCH and Best Doe in Show! She emerged as our top show doe as a three year old, in 2000. Shown three times in 2000, Dolce Vita finished her championship, placing 2X 1st, 1X 2nd, 1X RGCH, 2X GCH, and 1X Best Doe in Show. Dolce Vita was an extremely stylish, smoothly blended doe. She was very long-bodied, and “board” level over the topline and rump. She had among the most correct rear leg set in the herd, with excellent angulation and width between the hocks. Her mammary was capacious and beautifully attached, with excellent fore extension and a high, wide rear attachment. Peaking at 15 lbs. in her second lactation, her record was second only in the herd to the very heavy milking Lindsey. Dolce Vita’s 2001 son, Roeburn’s Vini Vidi Vici, is the junior herd sire in the Kickapoo Valley herd in Illinois, and his Get placed 3rd at the 2002 ADGA National Show. Very sadly, after a long illness, and despite excellent veterinary care, Dolce Vita died of cancer in May of 2002, at the young age of five.