DOB: 4/11/04
2009 LA 5-2 FS 91 (E E E E) (E in back and rump)
2008 LA 4-8 FS 91 (E E V E) (E in shoulder assembly, front legs, rear legs, feet!, back and rump)
2006 LA 2-4 FS 89 (E E V E) (E in shoulder assembly, rear legs, back, and rump)
4-11 254 2206 74 3.4%
3-11 292 2387 75 3.3%
2-10 302 2325 82 3.5%
1-11 284 1719 63 3.7%
S: *B Roeburn’s Liason Limerick FS 91 (E E E)
D: GCH Roeburn’s Brutus Menorca 7*M FS 91
- DS: +*B Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus FS 88
- DD: Roeburn’s DV Melinda 6*M FS 88
We were thrilled to finish Binibeca this season! Held back in the past only by her slow rate of maturity, she freshened this year with the fullness and depth of body needed to show off her extremely correct structure and mammary system. Shown twice, she went GCH both times! Stamped out of the Limerick mold, Binibeca is an exquisitely stylish, long-bodied doe, who is level over the topline and rump, and smoothly blended throughout. Her mammary attachment is essentially flawless, with a high and arched rear udder, and a beautifully and smoothly blended fore udder. Binibeca has one Best Junior doe in show and two Reserve Champion wins to her credit. We were very pleased with Binibeca’s permanent appraisal score of 91 this year, and with her 2008 score of 91, in which she was rated “E” in every category except head (where she earned a V)! Her yearling daughter from Bruno, Bon Bini, is very impressive, was rated Ec (Ec Ec Ec) as a kid, appraised 89 as a first freshener, and has her dry leg; Beca’s two year old son by Bruno is working in a New York herd.
Cou blanc