DOB: 4/13/01
2006 LA 5-4 FS 90 (E E E V) (E in shoulder assembly, front legs, rear legs, back and rump)
2005 LA 4-4 FS 91 (E E V E) (E in front legs, rear legs, back, and rump)
2003 LA 2-4 FS 88 (V E V V) (E in back and rump)
5-11 305 4009 140 3.5% ext.328 4145 145
4-11 303 3254 106 3.3%
3-11 305 4089 131 3.2% ext. 4134 132 2005 ADGA TOP TEN #6 for production, #9 Butterfat!!!
3-00 266 3053 107 3.5%
1-10 305 3515 122 3.5% ext. 370 3977 137
S: SG *B Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus
D: GCH Roeburn’s KVF Dolce Vita 3*M FS 90 (VEEE)
- DS: +B Kickapoo Valley CAL Fritz
- DD: GCH Roeburn’s P Dolly Varden 2*M FS 90 (VEVE)
Virtually a carbon copy of her dam in appearance, Joie is a stylish doe with exquisite dairy character. She is long-bodied and smoothly blended throughout, with an extremely level topline and rump. She has a beautiful mammary system, with a high arched rear udder, and outstanding fore extension (40 on linear appraisal!). Perhaps even more impressive than her elegance of type is her production: she exceeded 3500 lbs. as a first freshener! We were thrilled to have had Joie place #6 on the 2005 ADGA Top Ten list for production and #9 for Butterfat! Unfortunately, she has larger than ideal teat size, which detracts from her general appearance. Shown 5 times in 2003 as a 2 year old first freshener, she placed 4X 1st, 1 X 2nd, and 3 X Reserve GCH! With Rose of Sharon newly fresh in 2004, Joie had very serious competition: shown 4 X, she placed 1 X 1st, 2 X 2nd, 1 X 3rd, and 1 X RGCH. With 4 Reserve GCH wins, we fully expected to finish her in 2005, but it was not to be. At the first show of the season, and on one other occasion, Joie collapsed from heat stroke, and we came close to losing her. As we have decided no longer to show her, her LA scores will just have to tell the story!
Shown twice in 2002 as a dry yearling, Joie placed 1 X 1st, 1 X 2nd, 1 x RGCH, and 1 x GCH and Best Junior Doe in Show, giving her her dry leg
Joie’s twin brother, Roeburn’s Vini Vidi Vici, owned by the Kickapoo Valley herd in Illinois, had daughters place 3rd in the Intermediate kid class, and 5th in the senior kid class at the 2002 National. Vini daughters also comprised the 3rd place Junior Get of Sire class! His daughters placed 14th in the yearling milker class, and 6th in the two year old class at the 2004 National.
We have been extremely pleased with Joie’s twin daughters, Loca and Nina (recently sold), who are very stylish, upstanding does with lovely mammary systems, clearly demonstrating her value also as a brood doe. In fact, our current herd includes two daughters and 4 granddaughters of Joie! Unfortunately, Joie kidded in 2006 with a stillborn doe and did not produce as she had in the past, but she still exceeded 3000 lbs. in the lactation.
Two tone chamoisee