DOB: 2/19/07
LA 3-7 FS 88 (V E V V) (E in head, back, and rump)
LA 2-4 FS 89 (V E V V) (E in back and rump)
LA 1-6: FS 88 (V E E V) (E front legs, rear legs, back and rump)
Young Stock Appraisal rating 0-5 Overall Ec (Ec Ec Ec) Ec in front legs, back and rump
3-02 297 3983 84 3.0%
2-02 297 3841 125 3.2%
1-01 305 3114 101 3.2%
S: Roeburn’s Liason Limerick FS 91 (E E E)
D: SG Roeburn’s Sedric Marta 9*M FS 92 (E E E E)
Merry is an impressive young doe who was striking in general appearance from birth. Like her dam, she is very tall, extremely correct, and smoothly blended throughout, with a beautifully level topline and correct set to the legs. Shown three times in 2007 as a kid, she placed 3X first, 1X Junior Champion and Best Junior Doe in Show, receiving her dry leg!! Shown three times in 2008 as a yearling first freshener, she placed 3 X 1st, and 1X GCH, winning her second GCH leg! Merry’s production as a yearling was phenomenal, milking 13-14 lbs/day well into the sixth month of her lactation! With even greater production as a two year old (high DHIA test of 19 lbs), she has had some difficulty walking around her udder, and this may account for her placings of 2nd and 4th in the spring shows she attended. Down to 14 lbs/day production by our final show, however, she looked great, and went Grand Champion, completing her Permanent Championship! She has beautiful udder attachment, with a high and well arched rear attachment, and a snug fore udder. Top photo is Merry as a two year old; bottom photo is Merry as a yearling.
Cou blanc