DOB: 2/22/97
LA 6-6 FS 91 (E E E E) ( E in front legs, back legs, back and rump) L.A. 3-5 FS 90 (E E E E)
7-00 309 2531 117 4.6%
6-3 245 2345 99 4.2%
4-1 305 3142 132 4.2%, 103 3.3% ext. 345 3451 145 4.3%
3-2 277 2812 121 4.3%
2-2 318 2731 111 4.1%
1-2 292 2121 92 4.3%
LIFETIME 16534 708 547
S: *B Roeburn’s Sorcerer Thaddeus AI FS 88
- SS: ++*B Nodaway Mystical Sorcerer FS 90 (EEE)
- SD: GCH Roeburn’s SVL Octavia 5*M (GCH Portia daughter)
D: Roeburn’s DV Minerva 1 GCH leg, twin to Melinda (dam of Madeleine and Menorca)
Malta’s year in the limelight was 2001. She freshened looking just gorgeous, and went on to place GCH and BOB in three consecutive shows, one time also going Best in Show! The same year she achieved the distinction of being a 2001 Breed Leader in both butterfat and protein! From birth, Malta was a large and very impressive doe. She is tall, upstanding, correct in general appearance, and very stylish. She has excellent body capacity, with great depth in the flank, and width throughout. Her rump is wide and flat. She has a productive and very well attached mammary system, scoring a 45 in fore udder extension! We were extremely pleased with her linear appraisal score of 90 (EEEE) under Sheila Nixon as a 4 year old, but in 2003, she topped that score, appraising 91 (EEEE)!! Her twin bucks from Limerick in 2004 were so long-bodied, level, and stylish that we have repeated that breeding, hoping that she will give us a doe this year! One of these bucklings is junior herd sire in a MA herd; the other is available.
Light two tone chamoisee