DOB: 3/16/17
LA 4-5 FS 91 (E E E E) E in head, front legs, rear legs, back, and rump
LA 2-6 FS 89 (E V E E) E in shoulder assembly, rear legs, back and rump
3-11 252 1884 3.7% in progress
2-11 301 2364 3.5% 833
2-00 279 1631 3.9% 63
S: Pleasant-Grove Notable Nikola FS 89 (VEV)
D: GCH Roeburn’s KVLS Mila 11*M FS 92 (EEEE)
“Matty” is a very strong-boned, wide and powerful doe who, despite her strength, does not yield dairy character. We chose her as the second doe to retain at the time of our recent sale, because of her overall structural correctness and power. She has the same very level topline and correctness to her leg set seen in her sisters, Magritte and Amalie. She has a beautifully attached mammary earning an “E” at linear appraisal twice. We have retained her handsome son, Baron Wimsey, by ++*B Kickapoo-Valley HL Lord Wimsey as well as his twin sister, “Winnie Wimsey”. We love her sharp and stylish daughter by Sedric. As with Jazarah, we believe that her production was hindered this year by her singleton pregenancy. We anticipate that her breeding to Cato will add both style and production to this already structurally correct doe.
Cou clair
Bred to *B Roeburn’s Brutus Marcus Cato
Due: Bred 10/6/21
Kids: $650