In the fall of 2022, we sold our herd, after 47 years of raising dairy goats. While this was bittersweet, we were ready. The decision was made infinitely easier than it might have been, as two well-known and respected Alpine breeders with years of experience expressed their interest in purchasing our animals. These were Carly Santangelo of Cuba New York, and Kathy Kelley of Cobleskill, New York. The animals were bred prior to moving, and in the spring of 2023, the last generation of Alpine kids with the prefix “ROEBURN” were born.
If you are looking for animals who descend from our bloodlines, please feel free to contact either Carly or Kathy:
Carly Santangelo: Bellhurst Farm, LLC 7366 Mount Monroe Road Cuba, NY 14727 860-463-5529
Kathy Kelley: Hawks Hill Farm Cobleskill, NY 518-361-0088
If you have questions about our herd history, or any particular Roeburn animals in the background of your own herd, please feel free to contact us. We are here and interested as always in following animals descended from Roeburn!
Herd History:
We raised and bred Purebred French Alpine dairy goats in the Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire from 1976 until 2022, and showed the herd until the pandemic in 2020. We have had the herd linear appraised annually (although clearly not in 2020 with the suspension of the year’s program iin that year) and have been on DHIA/DHIR test since the 1980’s. Our 2019 LA herd average was 90.6. In very limited showing, we have produced 28 Permanent Champions. We are committed to continuing to produce top quality Alpines who are structurally correct and will be competitive in the show ring nationwide and will have the production to succeed in a dairy setting as well. We favor line breeding, know our bloodlines well, and take pride in the depth of pedigree present in our animals. We were very excited to use some of our best sires from the past, including Roeburn’s Gatwick Brutus and Kickapoo-Valley HL Lord Wimsey in the fall of 2019 through the use of AI, and 5 of the 8 doelings we have retained are daughters of these two bucks. We have in addition retained 2020 sons of both of these highly pre-potent bucks. We monitor the health of our small herd carefully; the herd has been CAE free for many years, and we have never had a case of CL. Because we wish to maintain our current small herd size, most kids and some mature animals are offered for sale each year. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in adding a Roeburn Alpine to your herd, or have any questions!